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The VeheMusical Check your answer spoiler-free View solution Stats

Lights up on a small restaurant and inn. The team stumbles in and sits at a nearby table, and is quickly greeted by a woman in a vibrant green dress.

Welcome. What can I get you?

Anything cold. It's so hot out there...

PERSEPHONE (Rolling her eyes)
Tell me about it. The heat - and insufferable brightness - is thanks to my... beloved husband. Let me tell you the story...

Conducting Alloys

If you ride that train to the end of the line
Where the sun don't shine and it's always shady
It's there you'll find the king of the mine
Almighty Mr. Hades!

— Road to Hell, Hadestown


Wild water buffalo (4)
Classic spring noise (5)
Bestowed godly gift (4)
Man of the future? (3)
Topknot (3)
Removal of written or printed matter (8)
Idle and unmoving (5)
Damages in a warlike fashion, perhaps (4)
Happy McDonald's choice (4)
Coveted Hermès item (5)
Transmit an email (4)
Break the law of the Gods (3)
Strongbad's group of teenage girls (5)
Keats Grecian ode subject (3)
Ws (4)

With a million hands, he builds a wall
Around all the riches he digs from the Earth

— Epic II, Hadestown

A copyable spreadsheet can be found here.